I had an idea and wow did my head hurt!

I had an idea and wow did my head hurt!

With G+ going away and not everyone wanting to converge at the same place, I was wondering if I set up an area on my forum for everyone to leave their contact/new group information would anyone use it.

At first I thought about making it public but then if you do not want your info public this would not be good. I do not want to make anyone sign up to access this information either so I am thinking of making it an invite area only which leaves it out of the public eye and to anyone on the forum not invited.

What are your thoughts? Ideas? Favorite colors?

Originally shared by Bill Brayman

Originally shared by Bill Brayman

Found this conversation on MeWe between a user and MeWe staff. You may find the answers interesting.

MeWe user posts list of missing features:

1. Can’t share post privately to our followers also includes able to share posts privately to selected users.

2. When resharing posts from followers/group there’s no mention of the users/group name who the post been shared from.

3. Don’t get it why MeWe doesn’t allows to view our profile and group to public non MeWe users without signing up when we share the link.

4. There’s no link options for posts. How to share individual post with the help of links. Posts can only be shared within MeWes system.

5. When sharing posts in group why the shared content is not seen on ones timeline.

6. No group classification. Like which is your owned group and joined.

7. No sharing counter. How many and who shared your post.

8. No option to disable comments and sharing.

Mark Stronge of MeWe answers:

All of your posts are private, shared to your contacts, there are no followers on MeWe so choose who you want to give access to be able to chat to. A close friends option is already in the works.

Already in the works

MeWe is built on consent and privacy. Public posts are coming but they will be public within MeWe, not to the web.

This is related to privacy and the design of MeWe, that may change.

Groups and your timeline are separate.

A very minor thing, you should know which group you created though.

That might be added when the sharing with original source shown is added

Disabling comments might be useful, you can already disable sharing of all of your posts in the settings.

Followers is coming in 2 weeks

Originally shared by Edward Morbius

Originally shared by Edward Morbius

The Death of Google+ Is Tearing Its Die Hard Communities Apart | Steven T. Wright

…For these Google+ enthusiasts, the process of digital relocation has become a very serious endeavor. Just ask John Lewis, the software developer who built a 3,500-member group on Google+ that’s dedicated to finding a replacement for these uprooted users, dubbed the “Mass Migration” community. A cursory scroll reveals intense discussions about what social media platform the users will flock to next, with debates that dwell on the relative strengths and weaknesses of individual platforms. Lewis and his raft of dedicated moderators have even organized Reddit-style AMAs for the CEOs of these sites to essentially pitch themselves to the skeptical community….
